Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, Monday

Nose is runny, body is tired. No time to take a break right now. I already have to take tomorrow off for a dance workshop, so not going in today is not an option. Especially with a concert in a couple of weeks. On the positive side, I love getting up at the same time every day. Six o'clock rolls around and I am ready to go. Ernie is too, thankfully. We get up, have some chow (he has puppy chow, I have coffee) and watch the news on the couch. Then he goes back to bed for 5 hours while I work. What a rough life : )

hmmm. what should i chew up today?

Friday, November 26, 2010

I need a little Christmas Vacation!

So three weeks until my big winter shows at school and then the world is my oyster. I'm thinking we all need a little adventure in our lives and next on my bucket list is a road trip with my hubby. So no, it probably won't be this Christmas but soon. as soon as possible. and maybe if not a road trip- perhaps just bunjee jumping, or snorkeling, or I know Tim would love a hunting trip somewhere wild. So what's the best way to save up for vacation? Money in a jar, or stick with the savings account? We need something highly motivational to keep us on track. Well, I'm off to Bing to get some ideas for a trip. Once we decide on a place we can really get the ball moving. If the world is our oyster I sure hope there's a pearl inside!